On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 12:01:00PM +0100, Hugo Ferreira wrote:
> Thomas Gazagnaire wrote:
>> I would prefer to not have an editor which modify completely the file I 
>> am working on (ie. automatically replace tab by spaces). When working 
>> on big project, you cannot assume that everybody use spaces-based 
>> editor, and you still want to minimize the diff size of your patches.
> That is the whole issue. If you work in a big project wherein everyone
> can you use their own "tab length", maintaining consistent indentation
> is difficult (if not impossible). As Romain Bardou pointed out, you
> can even use the same editors with differing "tab length". Real messy.

tab has no length. projects tab-indented (not talking about alignment here),
is the only consistant choice that permit everyone in this same project
to use any *representation* they want for their indentation (8 spaces, 2
spaces, 4 spaces, 11 spaces, ...) without making a mess.


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