> What would make me switch: a way to highlight the error when compiling,
> highlighting the line, a stronger highlight for the character range
> reported by the compiler, taking in consideration the tab mode used (real
> tab, n spaces) to interpret the value returned by the compiler.
> the error message in an infobulle and a log area.

That's actually nearly what Camelia has right now. Right now Camelia
insists on not dealing with tabs at all -- it converts them all to
spaces. This "feature" has to go obviously, and it's a few-liner to
convert between characters (which include tabs) and columns.
The editor widget in Qt has a good text document model, and
iteration/selections are implemented via a text cursor class.
It's very easy to have multiple, even overlapping selections -- they
are all handled by the editor code, pretty much transparently.

> An integrated ocamlbrowser (the standard TK tend to jiggle and hang on my
> computer).

OK, I'm adding this to my feature list. I didn't even know ocamlbrowser
existed (never quite made it through the manual, I'm afraid).

> An integrated small terminal window.

It's there.

> A mean to prevent you from the obscure error message about the very last
> char of the file, that after (for a beginner) 10 minutes of nervous fight
> you end up discovering in the first half of your file a missing syntax.
> I've been told emacs tuareg do that, maybe your autoindent mode already do
> it.

I presume you're talking about missing closing elements (parentheses etc.).
Yes, they can be automatically highlighted.

> Will test camelia 2.0 for sure.

I will first release 1.90, which will be an alpha, then a few releases later
we'll have a beta, and then 2.0 ;)

I know for sure now that 1.90 release will be a single executable that can
be run from anywhere, which will make it more convenient to test.

Cheers, Kuba

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