
Kuba Ober wrote:
What would make me switch: a way to highlight the error when compiling,
highlighting the line, a stronger highlight for the character range
reported by the compiler, taking in consideration the tab mode used (real
tab, n spaces) to interpret the value returned by the compiler.
the error message in an infobulle and a log area.

That's actually nearly what Camelia has right now. Right now Camelia
insists on not dealing with tabs at all -- it converts them all to
spaces. This "feature" has to go obviously, and it's a few-liner to
convert between characters (which include tabs) and columns.

What do you mean with this? Reason I ask is that in OcalIDE an option to
save files with spaces only, was added because it allows one to simultaneously edit files in various editors, each with its own tab
"length". If not, indenting is not maintained. I myself think that
avoiding tabs altogether is a good solution.

Hugo F.

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