Martin DeMello asked:

Has much work been done on adding a scripting language to an OCaml
program? I googled about a bit, but no one seems to be even talking
about this - for example, if I wanted to do something emacslike with a
core in OCaml and (ideally) some sort of scheme as a scripting engine
in place of elisp, would that be easily doable?

We (the nmag/nsim dev team - kind-of had the
opposite problem, i.e. we had to extend a scripting language that is easy to learn with something that has a bit more steam. We decided to
use Python+OCaml. There's a semi-abandoned debian package, pycaml,
that does this, but that's broken - it has memory management bugs
both oh the Python and OCaml side. Here is a fixed version that also
supports a few nice extensions:

I should say that being able to extend Python with fast code without
having to worry about allocating/destroying things and having the
convenience of simple callbacks both ways is a very nice thing.

best regards,
Thomas Fischbacher

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