On 05/07/2010 15:14, Thomas Fischbacher wrote:
> We (the nmag/nsim dev team - http://nmag.soton.ac.uk) kind-of had the 
> opposite problem, i.e. we had to extend a scripting language that is 
> easy to learn with something that has a bit more steam. We decided to 
> use Python+OCaml. There's a semi-abandoned debian package, pycaml, that
> does this, but that's broken - it has memory management bugs both oh
> the Python and OCaml side.

uh… did you try to submit patches or report bugs against the package?

pycaml is known to be dead upstream. We¹ do our best to keep it in a good
shape. But, we don't receive bugreports against pycaml and is used
by only one package… that makes bug fixing not easy :)

> Here is a fixed version that also supports a few nice extensions:
> http://nmag.soton.ac.uk/tf/pycaml/

Is this released/linked/advertised somewhere? (other than this mail).
It would be nice to have your fixes packages so that others can benefit
from your work.

¹: I'm not aware of any pycaml user among Debian OCaml Maintainers.


Mehdi Dogguy مهدي الدڤي
Tel.: (+33).

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