On 2008-08-26 09:47:59 +0200, Tobias Kremer wrote:
> a) Patch Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBIC to wrap the flash
>    functionality in a transaction (of course, this must be configurable).
>    Advantages:
>      - Easy to implement
>      - Most sensible solution.
>    Disadvantages:
>      - Slight performance overhead?
>      - Doesn't solve the problem for non-transactional databases

I would be happy to apply a patch that implemented this, at least
until something is done at the DBIx::Class level.

Non-transactional databases will continue to have the problem, and in
my opinion it isn't the job of the session store to fix that problem.
The session store docs can discourage use of MyISAM, for example.

> Please note, that this is ONLY happening with the flash part - my
> sessions work 100% accurate all the time!

How are you interacting with the flash vs. your sessions?  Could you
provide some code illustrating the problem?  A test would be even

Daniel Westermann-Clark

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