Quoting Daniel Westermann-Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 2008-08-26 09:47:59 +0200, Tobias Kremer wrote:
> > Please note, that this is ONLY happening with the flash part - my
> > sessions work 100% accurate all the time!
> How are you interacting with the flash vs. your sessions?  Could you
> provide some code illustrating the problem?  A test would be even
> better.

Hmm .. Nothing special there. The session stuff works just by use'ing the
neccessary plugins (no additional tinkering is done) and the flash stuff is
used like this:

a) In my controllers:

push @{$c->flash->{'messages'}}, "You have a message!";

b) In my wrapper template:

[% flash_messages = Catalyst.flash.messages %]
[% IF flash_messages %]
<div id="flashmsg">
  [% FOR message IN flash_messages %]
  <li>[% message %]</li>
  [% END %]
[% END %]

It's hard to come up with a test-case for this because it only happens in
moderate to high load situations.


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