Excerpts from Bill Moseley's message of Sat Jan 23 19:45:28 -0500 2010:
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 1:40 PM, J. Shirley <jshir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > If I assume that decoding is synonymous with de-serialization, it
> > makes more sense.  At first thought, I just don't think they're that
> > similar, though.  Maybe in implementations (comparing JSON to HTTP
> > POST parameters) it is, but in the case of HTTP::Body decoding a
> > mime64-encoded JPEG, it isn't at all.
> >
> With a jpeg I assume the content type would be form-data (that included an
> upload in the form) where the file ends up in $req->uploads, not as a
> request parameter.

That assumption may hold true for *your* applications, but he didn't say
anything about a form or even a web browser.  It's perfectly reasonable,
especially in the context of REST APIs, to talk about non-form-based request
bodies.  (I've written actions that accepted PUT requests with a content-type
of application/vnd.ms-excel, for example.)


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