On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 6:33 AM, J. Shirley <jshir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm all for reusable code, but in no way should HTTP::Body start
> taking this behavior by default.  I'm not really that sure how
> effective it is, anyway.

No, I was not suggesting that would be the default (although I'm not sure
why not handling other serializations by default is a bad idea).  Not sure
what you mean by "effective".

> decode_json( $c->req->body ); Is just not that hard :)

Of course it's not that hard.  Of course, this isn't hard, either:  [1]

map { s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg; $_ } split /[&;=]/,

I see those as similar operations.  The request is serialized in both cases.

But, one should not have to worry about adding low-level details like that
to application code when using an elegant web framework. ;)

No big deal.  I was just curious why the HTTP::Body approach was not used in
the existing REST/RPC modules, as that was already the place used by
Catalyst to de-serialize the body.  I thought maybe there was a reason I
might not understood, which is why I asked.

[1] Or whatever the correct approach is, and apologies to Damian for the

Bill Moseley
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