On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 1:49 AM, Zbigniew Lukasiak <zzb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Bill Moseley <mose...@hank.org> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 7:20 PM, Hans Dieter Pearcey
>> <hdp.perl.catalyst.us...@weftsoar.net> wrote:
>>> As far as I can tell, you missed the point of my message, which makes me
>>> wonder
>>> if I've missed the point of yours.  Are you talking about a set of
>>> conventions
>>> you'd like to be able to build for your own use on top of HTTP::Body, or a
>>> set
>>> of conventions that you expect everyone will want and so should be built
>>> into
>>> HTTP::Body, or something else entirely?
>> I thought you were saying that the request might not be a normal form
>> posting, and I was saying only that HTTP::Body can support that, too.
>> I was not suggesting everyone should use one method over another.
>> HTTP::Body seems (to me) like the natural place to deserialize.  Yet, the
>> REST modules I cited use an action class to deserialize.  Thus, I was
>> wondering if there was a specific reasons for that approach that I had not
>> understood.  That's really all.
> I cannot claim to understand all the concerns here - but to add my two
> cents: it sounds like this deserialisation thing is not something
> specific to Catalyst and now with other frameworks and libraries
> gaining grounds - it would make sense to put that logic into something
> reusable across them.

I'm all for reusable code, but in no way should HTTP::Body start
taking this behavior by default.  I'm not really that sure how
effective it is, anyway.

decode_json( $c->req->body ); Is just not that hard :)


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