Excerpts from Bill Moseley's message of Sat Jan 23 21:47:00 -0500 2010:
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 5:39 PM, Hans Dieter Pearcey <
> hdp.perl.catalyst.us...@weftsoar.net> wrote:
> > Excerpts from Bill Moseley's message of Sat Jan 23 19:45:28 -0500 2010:
> >
> > > With a jpeg I assume the content type would be form-data (that included
> > an
> > > upload in the form) where the file ends up in $req->uploads, not as a
> > > request parameter.
> >
> > That assumption may hold true for *your* applications, but he didn't say
> But, that's a different content type.  I assumed form-data.  So, in this

You said: What about extending HTTP::Body, e.g. to decode JSON into body_params?

jshirley said: Ugh.  Also, what about (non-param-like) things like jpegs?

You said: Well, they'd be file uploads.

I said: You might like that, but you can't assume everyone would, and the
  request might not even have a form content-type.

You said: Well, they'd be file uploads.

Me, writing this message: ???

As far as I can tell, you missed the point of my message, which makes me wonder
if I've missed the point of yours.  Are you talking about a set of conventions
you'd like to be able to build for your own use on top of HTTP::Body, or a set
of conventions that you expect everyone will want and so should be built into
HTTP::Body, or something else entirely?


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