RBA * New York * Syracuse * March 14, 2011 * NYSY 1403.11 Hotline: Syracuse Rare bird Alert Dates(s): March 07, 2010 - March 14, 2011 to report by e-mail: brinjoseph AT yahoo.com covering upstate NY counties: Cayuga, Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge and Montezuma Wetlands Complex (MWC) (just outside Cayuga County), Onondaga, Oswego, Lewis, Jefferson, Oneida, Herkimer, Madison & Cortland compiled:March 14 AT 6:00 p.m. (EST) compiler: Joseph Brin Onondaga Audubon Homepage: www.onondagaaudubon.org #247 -Monday March 14, 2011 Greetings! This is the Syracuse Area Rare Bird Alert for the week of March 07 , 2010 Highlights: -----------
TUNDRA SWAN CACKLING GOOSE GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE SNOW GOOSE NORTHERN GOSHAWK MERLIN AMERICAN WOODCOCK ICELAND GULL LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL SAW-WHET OWL NORTHERN SHRIKE TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE COMMON REDPOLL HOARY REDPOLL Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR) and Montezuma Wetlands Complex (MWC) ------------ 3/11: Good numbers of waterfowl including NORTHERN PINTAIL, BLACK DUCK, NORTHERN SHOVELER, RING-NECKED DUCK, AMERICAN WIGEON, TUNDRA SWAN and TRUMPETER SWAN were seen from Morgan and Carncross Roads. The seasons first SNOW GEESE were seen also. 3/12: 3 CACKLING GEESE were spotted in Knox-Marsellus Marsh. An estimated 200,000 SNOW GEESE were seen also. 3/13: A NORTHERN SHRIKE was found on VanDyne Spoor Road. Derby Hill ------------ 350 Raptors were counted at Derby Hill this week. The only new bird for the count was a single MERLIN on 3/12. The first SNOW GEESE of the season were seen on 3/11 and on 3/12 an estimated 58,000 SNOW GEESE flew by. Madison County ------------ 3/8: 2 to 3 HOARY REDPOLLS are still being seen among a large number of Commons at a feeder on Carpenter Road east of Sheds. Onondaga County ------------ 3/9: 1 HOARY REDPOLL was seen with Commons at the feeders at Beaver Lake Nature Center west of Baldwinsville. 3/11: The seasons first large contigent of SNOW GEESE were reported from fields in the Towns of Camillus and Van Buren. By the end of the day they had been reported almost everywhere in Region 5 and Montezuma. Much larger numbers were seen the next day (3/12). 3/12: The seasons first AMERICAN WOODCOCK were seen and heard displaying on Kellog Road in the Three Rivers WMA northe of Baldwinsville. 3/13: 11 species of waterfowl were seen by birders at Onondaga Lake and Skaneateles Lake. Highlights were RED-BREASTED MERGANSER at Skaneateles Lake and WOOD DUCK at Onondaga Lake. Oneida County ------------ 3/9: A NORTHERN GOSHAWK was seen at a feeder in Durhamville. 3/13: A NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL was found on the road in Clinton, possibly hit by a car. A quick thinking birder rescued the bird which later recovered and was released. Cayuga County ------------ 3/12: At Fair Haven State Park a 1st. cycle ICELAND GULL and an adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL were spotted. Oswego County ------------ 3/13: A GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE was found with Canadas at the intersection of Co. Rt. 264 and Biddlecum Roads. Jefferson County ------------ 3/12: The Point Peninsula TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE was again spotted. New Arrivals This Week ------------ 3/11 - SNOW GOOSE 3/12 - AMERICAN WOODCOCK 3/12 - GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3/14 - WOOD DUCK --end transcript -- Joseph Brin Region 5 Baldwinsville, N.Y. 13027 U.S.A. -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES ARCHIVES: 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html 2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html 3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds Please submit your observations to eBird: http://ebird.org/content/ebird/ --