On NYS-31 west of the hamlet/village of Montezuma, there is a long straightaway across the mucklands (dark-soiled, low, seasonally wet farmland) from the bridge over the Seneca River to the fork where NYS-89 comes in. About halfway across on the north side of the road is an abandoned building where one can pull off, park, and look around. If you look closely you may still be able to read the word POTATOES in large block letters across the top of the side facing the road.
--Dave Nutter

On Dec 27, 2013, at 08:39 PM, Therese O'Connor <therese2...@gmail.com> wrote:

Not sure what everyone means by "potato building".....could you give location?

On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Marsha Kardon <mkmd...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Seen on the roof of barn west of the potato building on the opposite side of rt 31 at 4 pm

Sent from my iPhone

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