To answer your second question - the Enterprise QoS SRND is here:


AFAIK it’s not accessible via the support URL available to you in the lab 
( – which is why they give you 
a pdf copy on the candidate desktop.


cheers, sd


[] On Behalf Of Miron Kobelski
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 1:07 PM
Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] 3750 QoS: service-policy + mls qos trustcommands on 
the same port



I'm working on Vol2 Lab8 QoS section. Task 5.2 requires to conditionally trust 
DSCP markings from the Cisco IP phone, which can be accomplished with:

mls qos trust device cisco-phone
mls qos trust dscp

But 5.3 requires policing and remarking using service-policy for the same 
switch port.
In the Enterprise QoS SRND page 106 we have:

At the time of writing, the Catalyst 2970/3560/3750 does not support a trust 
statement (such as mls qos 
trust device cisco-phone) in conjunction with a service-policy input statement 
applied to given port at 
the same time. While this may be configurable, if the switch is reset, one or 
the other statement may be 
removed when the switch reloads. This limitation is to be addressed; consult 
the latest Catalyst 
2970/3560/3750 QoS documentation for updates on this limitation

PG's solution seems to ignore this fact. What's your opinion on this? I was 
unable to find anything on this in the archive.

BTW, how can I find QoS SRND via documentation portal?


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