CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> wrote on 08/17/2007 07:38:00

> Thus, I analyzed the distribution of the experimental sigmas in three
> structures:
> 1E3M and two structures of mine at the same resolution (1CTN, 1E3M)
> The results are in:

To add my two cents to Tassos' very enlightening graphs, I'll just say that
the reflections with enormous F/sigF are probably generated by lines like
this in the cif file:

1 1 1     -57   31   21 o      63.4 ******

I believe the asterisks are supposed to represent a sigma(F) > 10,000,
since there are sigmas all the way up to that limit in the file.  Granted,
this is supposed to be a high-resolution reflection, but I'm not aware of
any data processing program which will output reflections with F/sigF less
than 0.006!  Indeed, I just looked through one of my old datasets processed
with HKL2000, then Truncate, and confirmed that my F/sigF drops smoothly
and asymptotically to 1, and not below.  The paper in question says they
used HKL2000 followed by CCP4 programs for MR and refinement, so you'd
expect something similar, no?

There are lots of odd F/sigF in the 2hr0 cif file - even excluding the
reflections with 0.0 or *** for a sigF, there are still 14 reflections with
an F/sigF less than 0.01, 1028 reflections with F/sigF < 0.1, and 12626
reflections (6.5% of the total) with F/sigF < 1.

I think this is even more unusual than the sharp upper limit of the F/sigF

- Matt

PS.  The above are my views, not those of ImClone Systems, CCP4, the
companies which send this email, the Boy Scouts, or any other organization
which I may be associated with now, in the past, or in the future :P

Matthew Franklin , Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, ImClone Systems
180 Varick Street, 6th floor
New York, NY 10014
phone:(917)606-4116   fax:(212)645-2054

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