Dear Florian,

ARP/wARP supports 65 space groups where proteins crystallise and it indeed uses the Hermann-Mauguin convention as given in the International Tables. The space group P22121 (number 3018 in the CCP4 symop.lib) is not supported by ARP/wARP. The standard for it would be number 18, P21212. The easiest is to re-index your data.

The error message 'cannot extract asymmetric unit limits' should then also disappear.


PS. Actually, Tassos has already replied while I was typing this message.

Florian Schmitzberger wrote:
Dear All,

I am trying to build a molecular replacement model in arp/warp in space group P22121. Refmac alone seems to be fine with refining the model in P22121; but arp/warp fails, as far as I can see at the first Refmac refinement stage. In the log-file it says "this space group is not supported".

I am wondering whether arp/warp needs the Hermann-Mauguin convention space group P21212. I suppose I will need to reindex in P21212 in order to use arp/warp? (the diffraction data were indexed in XDS, scaled in SCALA, and then run through CAD to change the space group from P222 to P22121). I am using arp/warp via the ccp4i interface.

Also, arp/warp gives the following message when I load the mtz file "cannot extract arp/warp asymmetric unit limits, the job will fail if run." (i did run arp/warp successfully with other mtz-files).

Thank you in advance for any comments!


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