For MIFit downloads stats are 63% windows, 27% Linux (no fully functional 
Mac port yet).

I have been doing crystallography on moderately high-end Windows laptops 
for a few years now - mostly MIFit with CCP4 but SHELX, MOSFLM, d*TREK 
etc are also fine. Performance is NOT a practical issue as far as I can see - 
image data processing typically 5-10 minutes, refinements often 1-2 
minutes.The upsides are that you don't need to think in terms of getting 
a 'special computer for crystallography' and have all office work, chemistry 
applications and software etc on the exact same disks. Everything generally 
just works from the installers so I would say you are more likely to be able to 
just get on with your structure-related science on this OS that Linux. One 
deciding factor is what software you need outside crystallography and on 
what platforms it is supported. 

I see a little bit of conflicting issues getting into the thread - optimal OS 
for a 
server or for development is a different question.

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