On Sat, 2009-05-02 at 11:50 +0100, mb1pja wrote:
> .. but OSX gives you Unix AND you can run Word /Powerpoint without  
> rebooting. And you get a user-friendly ergonomic windowing system that  
> kicks the **** out of XP/Vista/KDE/Gnome...
> best wishes
> Pete

I guess you should check some compiz videos on youtube...  Regarding
ergonomic features, there are three things I found so addictive I keep
trying to use them on the Widows machine I have to use (for fairness
sake, there is no good alternative to Word/Endnote combination when it
comes to refs):

1) middle button cut-and-paste (paraphrasing Bruce Foxman, I have only
these many clicks left before I join big X-ray lab in the sky, so it
matters that I can avoid ctrl-C and ctrl-V)
2) opaque windows with refocusing so you can switch between typing in
different windows simply by moving the pointer
3) multiple workspaces (this is so important to me I have this buggy
VirtualDimension installed in windows).  It is such an essential feature
that I find it incomprehensible that microsoft engineers did not
implement it yet (or did they?).  This is where compiz adds this nice
touch that you can switch between workspaces by just rolling
middle-button over the desktop (but I agree that the rotating cube is
just an iCandy).

On the emerged subject of which OS is best, I honestly think that modern
computers have reached the point where $500 desktop satisfies all the
needs of a protein crystallographer.  Since that is the case, any OS can
be used, and the discussion has, imho, nothing to do with efficiency and
everything to do with personal preferences.  As somebody who refuses to
accept the marketing ploy of associating coolness with certain fruit
logo, I have never used apple products (unless it's granny smith).
Accordingly, I believe I have no right to comment on them.  I am old
enough to remember the blue screen of death, so I can't be Windows
supporter.  For an open source freedom fighter wannabee, Linux is a
logical choice.

In the end, our choice of OS today simply reflects who we are.  

Edwin Pozharski, PhD, Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, Baltimore
When the Way is forgotten duty and justice appear;
Then knowledge and wisdom are born along with hypocrisy.
When harmonious relationships dissolve then respect and devotion arise;
When a nation falls to chaos then loyalty and patriotism are born.
------------------------------   / Lao Tse /

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