Guangyu Zhu wrote:
> Zn and Se have similar f' and f''. Why Zn seems have much better phasing
> powder in practice? Is it just because Zn always binds tightly on protein
> but Se might have higher b-factor?

I don't have a better explanation than tighter binding for Zn, although
I suppose that it's possible partial Se incorporation could be a factor
as well.

> Guangyu
> On 5/14/09 2:31 PM, "Pete Meyer" <> wrote:
>> You might find Structure 14, 973-982 Jun 2006 of interest.
>> Larger protein, Zn instead of Se (although only 8 sites), roughly
>> comparable to slightly lower resolution.  This was mainly testing to
>> confirm that there was enough anomalous signal to phase off of, so the
>> model was essentially known; however 50% completeness was enough to
>> allow for site location by anomalous or dispersive difference fourier
>> (which one sticking point...even if the MR hits don't give a helpful
>> model phased map, they can still be good enough for site location).
>> Pete
>> Clemens Grimm wrote:
>>> OK, here's a concrete case:
>>> A 150kDa protein complex, the plate-like crystals can be produced in
>>> sufficient number; Se-Met  derivatives available, total number of Met
>>> around 20, subunits could be marked and combined individually.
>>> Diffraction is highly anisotropic, in certain directions up to
>>> 3.8A,while in others only 5A. Similarly, the spot quality is very
>>> dependent on orientation.
>>> Space group I222,  a=75 b=150 c=250. Datsets scale well with 3-4% Rsym
>>> up to 12 A resolution. At 4.5A Rsym rises above 50% (I/sigma is still at
>>> 2.0). The 'sweet' slices of the dataset scale significantly better, but
>>> give only 70% (non-anomalous) completness. We hope to improve datasets
>>> slightly by orienting the crystals.
>>> 65% of the structure would be available as coordinate building blocks
>>> from the PDB, however, MR with these components so far did not yield a
>>> clear solution.
>>> Any suggestions or experiences with similar cases are welcome.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Clemens
>>> Zitat von Clemens Vonrhein <>:
>>> [Show Quoted Text - 64 lines][Zitattext verstecken]
>>> Hi Clemens,
>>> maybe re-phrasing your question:
>>> What would be the best technique/strategy to phase crystals that
>>> [ ] diffract to maximal ___ A
>>> [ ] typical diffraction to __ A
>>> [ ] are radiation sensitive
>>> [ ] easily reproducable
>>> [ ] large crystals (up to ___ um)
>>> [ ] long needles
>>> [ ] thin plates
>>> [ ] have ___ mol/asu
>>> [ ] spacegroup ___
>>> [ ] nice diffraction pattern
>>> [ ] poor diffraction pattern (reason: ___)
>>> [ ] anisotropic diffraction (resolution in poorest direction: ___ A)
>>> [ ] cell dimensions of roughly ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
>>> [ ] purified from native source
>>> [ ] expressed in expression system ___
>>> [ ] anything else: _______
>>> Tick the appropriate boxes and fill out the blanks as much as possible
>>> - that should give more important and necessary information. There are
>>> consequences to consider for all of those points that would then give
>>> some rough guidelines for your particular project/problem.
>>> Maybe CCP4 should have an online form to describe a particular
>>> crystallographic problem?
>>> Cheers
>>> Clemens
>>> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 09:35:28AM +0200, Clemens Grimm wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> after the SeMet phasing discussion, what would be -in general- the best
>>> technique to phase low resolution data (<=4A) of large complexes (>=150
>>> kDA) - in terms of
>>> - derivatization compounds (is there something like the 'golden five' HA
>>> compounds for these cases),
>>> - data collection techniques and
>>> - phasing methods?
>>> Clemens
>>> -- 
>>> ***************************************************************
>>> * Clemens Vonrhein, Ph.D.     vonrhein AT GlobalPhasing DOT com
>>> *
>>> *  Global Phasing Ltd.
>>> *  Sheraton House, Castle Park
>>> *  Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK
>>> *--------------------------------------------------------------
>>> * BUSTER Development Group      (
>>> ***************************************************************

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