
I suspect that this is more to do with the amount of memory required, size of arrays etc; refinement will (in general) be more demanding in terms of these than an integration program like Mosflm. The last time I compared the Mosflm performance (which was a few years ago), running the same batch job on OSX 10.4 (Tiger), and on Windows XP and Linux Feisty Fawn (so you can tell how long ago this was) - both the latter running under virtual machines on the same 32-bit Intel Mac that the OSX job ran on) there was essentially no difference in performance (though I have a vague memory of Ubuntu being a little faster, maybe ~3%).

Some caveats -

* I used a gfortran build for OSX and Linux, g77 build for Windows
* I didn't spend too much time on this
* I wasn't running a GUI - all three as foregrounded jobs, "nothing" else running on the machine (I tried to make sure only the OS and essential services were running). So this wasn't a "batch" job in the traditional sense... * gfortran builds these days are considerably faster (and compare well to ifort builds)

On 7 Apr 2012, at 17:50, Roger Rowlett wrote:

I don't know the state of current software, because I haven't tried recently, but when I set up my student crystallography workstations a few years back I noticed many packages (e.g. EPMR, Phaser) that had potentially long run times (where it is really noticeable) would run on the identical hardware about 2-3 times faster in Linux than in Windows XP. Memory swapping wasn't the issue. I was astounded there could be that much overhead in Windows. A Linux VM on a windows machine being faster than native Win7 is pretty weird, though.


On 4/7/2012 11:42 AM, Bernhard Rupp (Hofkristallrat a.D.) wrote:

Something the developers might be interested in:

The Refmac_5.6.0117 32-bit windows binaries run native on a win64 3-4x
slower than
those from  the linux distribution run
**in a RHEL6.2-64 VMware virtual machine  hosted the same windows7/64
Refmac_5.6.0117:  End of Refmac_5.6.0117
Times: User:    1015.3s System:  135.0s Elapsed:    19:17
Win native
Refmac_5.6.0117:  End of Refmac_5.6.0117
Times: User:       0.0s System:    0.0s Elapsed:    67:49

Most peculiar....although I think but I do not know whether the linux
binaries are 64 bit
I don't think that address space is the issue here if they are.

Maybe the paranoia-checkers in windows slow everything down
although I did not see any resources overwhelmed...

Best regards, BR
Bernhard Rupp
001 (925) 209-7429
+43 (676) 571-0536
No animals were hurt or killed during the
production of this email.

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QH

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