Dear Patrick, plants do have a rather complex immune system. best regards, 

On September 21, 2019 10:18:39 AM GMT+02:00, Patrick Shaw Stewart 
<> wrote:
>Dear Herman
>Animals that are sick tend not to move around a lot.  One can imagine
>this limits the tendency for animal viruses and other animal pathogens
>become more and more virulent, because the very virulent strains won't
>spread as fast.  And (importantly) when the most virulent strains
>arrive at some particular location, they will find that their potential
>hosts are already immune*.
>Since plants don't move around, I have always wondered why plant
>don't increase in virulence until they wipe out their hosts, especially
>when you bear in mind that plants don't have complex immune systems.
>Could these multiple genes be a way to avoid being wiped out by
>Ie if the plant gets sick, it just switches on a batch of "reserve"
>genes**.  Is that possible?
>Thx, Patrick
>* This is a pet theory of mine:
>**Or maybe the expression of these genes is random - two genetically
>identical individuals growing side-by-side might express different
>of genes on a random basis.  Again, this might be mainly about disease
>On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 8:51 AM <> wrote:
>> Dear John,
>> Plants cannot walk away to a more favorable spot. They remain stuck
>> they germinate, e.g. whether the place is sunny, shady, wet, dry,
>> poor etc. So plants compensate by having a lot of genes available to
>> able to adapt to the particular spot where happen to be. And indeed,
>> have usually more genes then animals!
>> Best,
>> Herman
>> *Von:* CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] *Im Auftrag
>> *John R Helliwell
>> *Gesendet:* Freitag, 20. September 2019 09:19
>> *Betreff:* [EXTERNAL] Re: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] challenges in
>> biology
>> *EXTERNAL : *Real sender is
>> Dear Martin,
>> Many thanks for these details of the size of the human genome over
>> decades and also the news of your most interesting upcoming review. I
>> read it with great interest.
>> Incidentally is the over 40000 genes for the rice genome number
>> This number caught my eye as being interesting how the rice genome is
>> complicated than our genome.
>> Best wishes,
>> John
>> Emeritus Professor John R Helliwell DSc
>> On 19 Sep 2019, at 08:35, Kollmar, Martin <>
>> Dear John,
>> the „100,000 human genes“ is a long-standing myth broad forward by
>> initiators of the U.S. human genome sequencing projects in 1990. This
>> number completely contradicted all genetics and mutation data since
>the 1940
>> th, but the sequencing community (genome, cDNA, EST) didn’t read even
>> standard text books. Thus, the “30,000” genes published with the two
>> genome papers in 2001 are not “surprisingly low” but just in
>> with the predictions and the data since the 1940th. The gene number
>> down to about 23,000 already in 2004, and the current numbers
>(depending on
>> database) range around 20,000 human protein-coding genes. The myth of
>> large numbers is only propagated by those who profit from larger
>> (e.g. bigger grants, papers in higher IF journals, big consortia).
>> I have written a review about the current state (and history) of the
>> protein-coding genes, which will appear online in BioEssays soon and
>> finally in the November issue (will be open access). In this review
>> will be some (hopefully) useful plots showing the gene numbers since
>> 1940th and a detailed review of all the numbers and their
>> basis (most were actually just extrapolations from small-scale data).
>> Please excuse this kind of self-advertisement, but it is really more
>> time to move this myth out of science literature and communication.
>> Best regards,
>> Martin
>> Priv. Doz. Dr. Martin Kollmar
>> Group Systems Biology of Motor Proteins
>> Department NMR-based Structural Biology
>> Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
>> Am Fassberg 11
>> 37077 Goettingen
>> Deutschland
>> (Homepage)
>> (Database of Cytoskeletal and Motor Proteins)
>> (diArk - a resource for eukaryotic genome research)
>> (Scipio - eukaryotic gene identification)
>> *Von:* CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> *Im Auftrag von
>> R Helliwell
>> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 19. September 2019 08:51
>> *Betreff:* Re: [ccp4bb] challenges in structural biology
>> Dear James,
>> Well, 100,000 genes used to be the estimate of the size of the human
>> genome.
>> (eg see
>>  )
>> It seems it has got easier, albeit still gargantuan, at ~30,000 genes
>> be expressed into proteins.
>> Meanwhile funding agencies also look out for Big Ideas:-
>> and even helpfully spell out the difference between a Big Idea and a
>> Challenge!
>> Maybe an “Open Door for funding” for us all?
>> Today also the repertoire of methods capable of resolving in 3D
>> structures has expanded further with the splendid development of
>> To define challenges in terms of projects, as Max Perutz taught us
>> (“Haemoglobin the Molecular Lung”) avoids methods looking for
>> Also a final thought, how we organise ourselves in different areas of
>> World varies according to our cultural traditions. So the Big Project
>> neutral to politics and can accommodate all contributions however so
>> arrived at.
>> “What shall we do with it?”
>> As Darwin taught us, first make your Collection......
>> Greetings!
>> John
>> Emeritus Professor John R Helliwell DSc
>> On 18 Sep 2019, at 22:15, James Holton <> wrote:
>> Thank you John, an excellent choice as always.  Here is your trillion
>> dollars!  Now, what are you going to do with it?
>> Do you think simply scaling up current technology could reach this
>> More screens, more combinations, more compute cycles?  Remember, if
>> want the "genome/proteome" you need all of it, including all those
>> super-cool human membrane proteins we gave up on because they were
>> hard.
>> I think we all have at least one of those projects in our past.  What
>> the show-stopper in the end?  Did they just not grow crystals? Poor
>> diffraction? Weird diffraction? Twinned? Won't phase? Won't refine to
>> decent R factor? Annoying reviewer? Did you try cryoEM? NMR? and did
>> not work either?
>> I think a key question for all of us is: what new capability would
>> you decide to go back and pick up your old favorite project again? 
>> your structure, the genome is incomplete.
>> -James Holton
>> MAD Scientist
>> On 9/16/2019 12:24 AM, John R Helliwell wrote:
>> Dear James,
>> Here you go, a “grand challenge” suggestion to consider for funding
>> the “James Holton Foundation for structural biology research”:-
>> “The human genome/proteome in 3-D”
>> Greetings,
>> John
>> Emeritus Professor John R Helliwell DSc
>> On 14 Sep 2019, at 02:39, James Holton <> wrote:
>> I would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to my
>> that started this thread.  It is really good for me to get a sense of
>> community perspective.  Some debates were predictable, others not. 
>> ideas I agree with, some not so much.  All were thought-provoking. I
>> this is going to be a really good GRC!
>> Something I did not expect to distill from all the responses is that
>> dominant challenge in structural biology is financial. The most
>> strategy suggested for addressing this challenge was torpedoing other
>> scientists in similar fields, perhaps expecting to benefit from the
>> flotsam.  Historically, this strategy is often counterproductive and
>> best inefficient. The good news is there is a lot of room for
>> In reality, we are all on the same ship, and the people in our
>> agencies fighting to get us what we need can be much more effective
>> armed with positive ideas and clear plans.  That is a better strategy
>> overcoming this challenge.
>> To this end, my first GRC session title is going to be:
>> "If I had a trillion dollars for structural biology"
>> I think we can all agree that science in general is vastly
>> relative to the impact it has on the human condition.  For example, I
>> estimate the value of a general cure for cancer to be at least a
>> dollars.  This is based on the lives claimed every year, multiplied
>by how
>> much one person would gladly pay after being diagnosed (amortized
>over the
>> rest of their much longer life). This is only ~1% of the Gross World
>> Product, a real bargain if we can come up with a plan that will
>> work.
>> Now, obviously not all cancer research is structural biology, but not
>> structural biology is cancer research either. Let us suppose for a
>> that you (yes, I'm talking to YOU), were given a trillion-dollar
>budget to
>> do your science.  After buying all the tools and hiring all the
>people you
>> wanted: would that solve all of your problems?  I expect not. The
>> intellectual and technical challenges that remain are what I believe
>> science is really all about, and the 2020 Diffraction Methods GRC
>> focus on the ones facing structural biology.
>> My goals here are twofold:
>> 1) I believe it would be healthy for this field if we all spent a
>> time "thinking big"
>> 2) I want to remove financial anxiety from the discussion, both here
>> at the GRC.
>> I ask for one restraint: please confine the discussion to structural
>> biology.  I understand it is difficult to think about the
>> level without involving politics, but the CCP4 Bulletin Board is not
>> political discussion forum, and neither is the GRC. Assume all the
>> worthy causes in the world are given their own ample budgets. This
>> is yours, and you have to spend it on structural biology.  If you
>> think of anything, think harder.
>> To get you started, a few things that could be done for under a
>> dollars:
>> 1) re-do all the protein crystallization in the PDB, 500 times
>(saving all
>> information)
>> 2) buy Google and Facebook, get their AI teams to do machine learning
>> structure prediction for us
>> 3) hire every "biological scientist" in the world, and give each $1M
>> work on your projects
>> 4) re-do the NASA Apollo program three times
>> 5) build 1000 XFELs and 100,000 Titan microscopes (yes, that's "and")
>> 6) solve the phase problem by brute force.  (zettaflops-scale
>computing at
>> $0.03/gflop)
>> 7) build half a dozen terapixel detectors (ask Colin Nave what those
>> do)
>> 8) fund every NIH grant submitted in the last 5 years. Not just the
>> awarded ones, all of them.
>> 9) X-prize style competitions for landmark achievements, such as
>> predicting crystallization outcomes, or finding a universal way to
>> protein from denaturing on the air-water interface.
>> This is not a to-do list, but rather an attempt to convey the scale
>> what can be done.  Oh, and you have a month or so to think about it.
>> meeting is July 26-31 2020, but my speaker list is due Oct 15.
>> Now, of course, at the GRC I will not actually have billion-dollar
>> to pass around, but I do want to set our sights on those lofty goals,
>> then work on the bridge we will need to get there.
>> So, when I say "challenge" I mean more than something we all agree is
>> hard.  Those would make for very short talks.  I am after something
>> like a benchmark.  Useful challenges should have certain properties. 
>> should be:
>> a) possible, because something that doesn't work no matter what you
>do is
>> no fun.
>> b) hard, because something that is too easy is also not very
>> c) realistic, as in relevant to a real-world problem we all agree is
>> important
>> d) accessible, as in reasonable download sizes and/or affordable
>> e) fast, because it if takes forever to try it nobody will have time
>> participate
>> f) measurable, as in having a clear and broadly acceptable "score"
>> g) adjustable, as in the level of "difficulty" can be selected
>> continuously between "easy" and "impossible".
>> This last one is important because it is at the transition point
>> success and failure that teaches us the most about what can be
>> Some challenges that already exist are:
>> anomalous phasing from weak signals
>> anomalous phasing from twinned data
>> merging highly incomplete data with an indexing ambiguity
>> extracting motions from diffuse scatter data
>> Coming soon:
>> dial-a-resolution model building challenge
>> XFEL data processing reference set
>> -James Holton
>> MAD Scientist
>> On 7/25/2019 10:07 AM, Keller, Jacob wrote:
>> >>It would seem to me that an important issue is also: do get all
>> information out of our diffraction data? By integrating the Bragg
>peaks we
>> usually neglect the diffuse scattering that could potentially contain
>> additional (dynamic) structural information. This can be cloudy
>> scattering hidden in the background but also diffuse streaks that
>> information on packing disorder and reveals intrinsic interactions in
>> crystal.
>> Along these lines, and taking a page from you also, how about
>> “crystallographic model refinement as image-faking?” Metrics of the
>> goodness of a particular refinement could simply be some measure of
>> correlation between predicted vs. measured images. I have seen some
>of this
>> done with diffuse scattering, but why not with the whole thing,
>> intensity and shape of Bragg peaks, solvent rings, etc? Maybe instead
>> doing the multiple steps of (indexing, integration, scaling,
>solving…) all
>> of this could be refined as one? Processing parameters like
>> [sic] etc would now be part of the final model…?
>> JPK
>> Loes Kroon-Batenburg
>> On 07/15/19 21:44, Holton, James M wrote:
>> Hello folks,
>> I have the distinct honor of chairing the next Gordon Research
>> Conference on Diffraction Methods in Structural Biology (July 26-31
>> 2020).  This meeting will focus on the biggest challenges currently
>> faced by structural biologists, and I mean actual real-world
>> challenges.  As much as possible, these challenges will take the form
>> friendly competitions with defined parameters, data, a scoring
>> and "winners", to be established along with other unpublished results
>> only at the meeting, as is tradition at GRCs.
>> But what are the principle challenges in biological structure
>> determination today?  I of course have my own ideas, but I feel like
>> forgetting something.  Obvious choices are:
>> 1) getting crystals to diffract better
>> 2) building models into low-resolution maps (after failing at #1)
>> 3) telling if a ligand is really there or not
>> 4) the phase problem (dealing with weak signal, twinning and
>> pseudotranslation)
>> 5) what does "resolution" really mean?
>> 6) why are macromolecular R factors so much higher than
>small-molecule ones?
>> 7) what is the best way to process serial crystallography data?
>> 8) how should one deal with non-isomorphism in multi-crystal methods?
>> 9) what is the "structure" of something that won't sit still?
>> What am I missing?  Is industry facing different problems than
>> academics?  Are there specific challenges facing electron-based
>> techniques?  If so, could the combined strength of all the world's
>> methods developers solve them?  I'm interested in hearing the voice
>> this community.  On or off-list is fine.
>> -James Holton
>> MAD Scientist
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>> Dr. Loes Kroon-Batenburg
>> Dept. of Crystal and Structural Chemistry
>> Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research
>> Utrecht University
>> Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht
>> The Netherlands
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