On 07/13/2017 09:02 AM, jim stephens via cctalk wrote:
> On 7/13/2017 12:31 AM, Eric Smith via cctalk wrote:
>> There are also vacuum desoldering stations that use "shop air" to
>> derive the vacuum, rather than having an internal pump. I've never
>> used them as I don't normally have an air compressor anywhere near
>> my electronics workbench.
> This works very well.  The best station for 7400 type IC's was a
> Weller vacuum desoldering station.

Careful.   Years ago (wasn't everything?)  I picked up a DS100 at a
bankruptcy auction.  This is the unit with two TCP irons--one for
soldering and one for desoldering.  The desoldering one has a power cord
and a vacuum line that feeds into a glass cylinder stuffed with glass
wool and thence to a hollow tip.

It uses a footswitch and plant air that creates a vacuum through an
aspirator-type assembly.  I screwed the aspirator shut and fed it from a
vacuum reservoir maintained by a carbon-vane pump.  Lots of vacuum.

You'd think that this would be the perfect setup, right?

It was horrible--the tip would never stay tinned, the glass collector
and hose was always in the way (that glass gets *hot*) and the action
wasn't that good.

I eventually gave the thing away--I already had a soldering station, so
it wasn't worth keeping the monstrosity around.

I went back to my old standby--the big Soldapullt.  It does the job
well.   I also have one of those 40W irons with a hollow tip and a
built-in Soldapullt-type assembly, but it doesn't work nearly as well as
the old standby.

My .02 worth of experience,

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