On 8/30/2017 7:41 PM, Lyndon Nerenberg via cctalk wrote:
On Aug 30, 2017, at 7:30 PM, jim stephens via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 

IIRC Jobs killed the effort.  Been a long time ago to recall.  I don't think it 
died before he was involved.

We had the x86 Solaris, and the office was there at least thru Solaris 2.7 
days.  I also know the kernel lint had been done by 2.3 time at least, FWIW, 
which was pretty impressive.  Made you up your game for kernel mode modules.  
My unit had modules to run tests on all available cores and on some 
programmable block of memory to certify that the systems we were running on 
actually activated the cores and they were available to the system.
I don't think Sun was really interested in pushing the OS on anything other 
than Sparc.  I remember hitting the Sun booth at Interop (IIRC) in 1993 and 
pushing them hard for licensing and pricing for the then new 386 release.  I 
was looking for a campus-wide license (300+ 386 workstations) for a new 
university I was helping spin up.  Over the course of the conference (several 
days) I hit up at least four sales critters at the booth trying to get some 
hard info on licensing and pricing.  Not one of them gave a sweet flying fsck.

So I dumped a couple of $million into SGI Indy workstations and Challenge 
servers, instead.


noone said that Sun had clever salesmen.  The group I was in was obviously very interested, as they were still more or less Interactive running inside of Sun.

I do know that they didn't have a lot of enthusiasm for the platform on the PC due to  the need to support peripherals.  All of that work was done by very senior consultants out of our facility, and was not cheap.  And the system needed a lot of work as it was a server which needed to support high performance operation.

Disk controller vendors had spotty records for support.  Adaptec didn't give a crap, which was sad as they had a lot of hardware. The work was done despite their cooperation, for example.

The Power version as i said was financed outside Sun, so had zero chance of success unless that company made it go.  And it did not.


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