I worked on Solaris when the PPC work was done. Solaris 2.5.1 was the release that included PPC support.

Here is a link to the Solaris 2.5.1 release notes, which describe some Solaris on PPC details - https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19695-01/802-5366/802-5366.pdf


On 8/30/17 6:35 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:
I was looking up some data, and as a result was flipping through a copy of 
Computerworld from ’93.  In doing so, I was marveling at the amount of 
Diversity we had in the Computer World at the time, but that’s not the point.

The point is that I found a advertisement for the PPC 601 chip.  In it they 
were advertising it running the Macintosh OS, OS/2, AIX, and interestingly Sun 
Solaris.  I was aware of the first three, but I don’t ever remember any mention 
of Solaris running on PPC.  Did that ever get off the ground?


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