One other trivial thought, . . .
A FAST AT could handle 1:1 interleave.
On many slower ones, an interleave could give dramatic improvement in throughput.

Not having the optimum interleave will not interfere with usage, it is entirely a performance optimization.

There were even programs that purported to determine the optimum interleave for you. Unfortunately, the application software that you use (dBase, Wordstar, Supercalc, etc.) does more processing of the data between sectors than only reading it. So the true optimum interleave was also dependent on what programs you used.

Either Speedstor or SPinrite included capability of changing the interleave (by reading a track, reformatting the track with sectors in different sequence, and then writing the data back to the track.)

Don't worry about the interleave until you get it to work.
An old hot-rodding adage (that few abided by):
"get it to RUN, before you try to get it to RUN FAST."

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