On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
I remember quite vividly evaluating the then-new IMI hard drive--the
thing with a smoke-black plexiglas top and about the size of a shoebox.
I think Corvus sold them as Apple II addons.
It used a voice-coil positioner.  If you lifted the front of the drive
to about a 10 degree (or more) inclination, the positioner would go
nuts, making all sorts of noise trying to stay on track--and eventually
erroring out.

"Let's put that in a computer, and put a handle on it, so that people can lug it around!, just like we doodled on the pieshop placemat. If anybody has a problem, just remind them that we warned them to low-level format anytime that they move it."

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