On 5/20/23 04:21, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:

> I was startled to discover my (long gone) Athlon XP box could only
> handle a single floppy drive. The BIOS has no option for a 2nd.
> I can't imagine that was a significant cost saving.

It's a matter of pins.  I believe that it started when the "SuperIO"
chip started packing in more support for various peripheral functions
and the 2 pins for drive select and motor control of an extra drive were
viewed as least important.   Earlier versions of the chip often allowed
re-purposing the pins used for the parallel port as an interface for an
extra floppy--you saw this on laptop systems, which often had only one
floppy drive in any case.  cf.  Intel's PCISet chip sets.


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