Commissions for web development work?  Hmmmm... that sounds very odd.

I would be skeptical of any job offer that was 3 times the amount I'm making now.  And 
I would be skeptical of any company that promised to import you with a work visa and 
then turn around and make you travel around the states.

What happens when the company folds?  You'll end up struggling to find a job here and 
have to deal with that whole Visa issue... you may find yourself back home in 3 months.

That's a hell of a risk to take.  Personally, I would keep the stable job and 
freelance on the side.


========================================Mark Warrick -
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-----Original Message-----
From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:36 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: okies question.

Would you leave a job where you have infinite job security...but not very good pay..

For a job that allows you to travel to the States fairly regularly, be completely in 
charge of a small group of developers
(mostly telecommute contractors..maybe some of you ^_^ hee hee),and pays you three 
times what you're making now plus
commissions...But you don't know if the job will still be around three months from now.



Security vs Risk and Oppurtunity.

*gnawing fingernails*

Any ideas from those older, wiser heads out there?

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