At 03:35 PM 7/25/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Would you leave a job where you have infinite job security...but not very 
>good pay..
>For a job that allows you to travel to the States fairly regularly, be 
>completely in charge of a small group of developers
>(mostly telecommute contractors..maybe some of you ^_^ hee hee),and pays 
>you three times what you're making now plus
>commissions...But you don't know if the job will still be around three 
>months from now.

What's your other option?  The one with security?  How do you know it will 
be around in 3 months, when even the old, staid mainstream companies are 
laying people off by the thousands.  Bottom line in this industry right 
now:  there is no security.  So you don't have a job in three months.  If 
they will pay you three times what you are making now, that's nine months 
worth of income based on your current rate.  That's a long time in this 

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