Coming out of lurk mode...


As I'm perhaps not one of the older, wiser heads (being 23), I
(personally) would definitely opt for the security of the job.  You can
go to bed at night know that tomorrow you'll have a desk to work at and
a paycheck to cash.  Granted, every day I think about moving to a new
job -- one with more responsibility and pay.  I also think about what
comes with a new job -- the stress of "settling in", the anxiety of
being able to perform up to your new employer's expectations.  I then
look at my family; my wife and daughter (not to mention 20+ fish!), and
I reassure myself that _staying put_ in my boring (but secure and
sometimes gratifying) job is worth the wait and patience.

While American Express is laying off 5000+ people, I do know my position
is secure.  I'm happy knowing this, and I can rest easy because I need
to provide for my family, mortgage, and car payments.  Right now, in
these tough times, there's no amount of money that could make me think
otherwise.  (Except maybe $50,000,000...)

I don't know how your lifestyle is, Angel.  It's none of my business.
If you're a risk-taker, then perhaps shooting for the new position is
worth it.  What are you going to do when(if) the new job is done with?
Can you go back to your old job?

Just my two cents, 
-Vinny from NYC

-----Original Message-----
From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 3:36 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: okies question.

Would you leave a job where you have infinite job security...but not
very good pay..

For a job that allows you to travel to the States fairly regularly, be
completely in charge of a small group of developers (mostly telecommute
contractors..maybe some of you ^_^ hee hee),and pays you three times
what you're making now plus commissions...But you don't know if the job
will still be around three months from now.



Security vs Risk and Oppurtunity.

*gnawing fingernails*

Any ideas from those older, wiser heads out there?

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