*shifts uneasily on his feet*
*reads and re-reads*


But of course all this hinges on the issue of..IS mankind contributing to Global 
Warming? I think the general consensus is
that we are.

And also the general consensus is that by the time we start seeing radical changes in 
the environment it would be too late.
I think we are already seeing the effects of global warming with storms becoming more 
and more savage.

I think if we wait for some sort of concrete proof nothing will ever be done, because 
we don't completely understand the
earth's weather and how it works, and how it has worked before mankind was around and 
I don't know if we ever will.

We can only theorise based on observations we make now and what we know to be the 
effect of greenhouse gases in the

I also don't think that the major reason why the US abstained was because the treaty 
did not make sense, but for purely
economic reasons, and perhaps that the treaty is indeed a stepping stone to something 
more stringent and the Bush
administration did not want to even put a toe on that stone.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Fobare [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Do you comprehend the difference between "signed" and "ratified"? Once
again, not one EU signatory to Kyoto '97 actually ratified it. This is
because the people who negotiated the agreement had little understanding of
political realities in the U.S., the EU, and elsewhere. Well, probably some
did, and simply saw Kyoto '97 as a stepping stone to bigger and better things.

And the "modified" version now being tossed around contains no penalties
for treaty members who miss emissions targets/goals. In other words, it
doesn't really do anything, except provide a fig leaf for the
unelected(largely) bureaucrats who devoted so much time to Kyoto.

Dave Fobare

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