Since you have experience with PHP, then I would suggest JSP and then Java.
CF is going that way anyway and if you know those, then you will be that
much better off.  Plus, ASP and JSP are more syntacticly similar in
structure than CF's current tag-based structure.  ASP is currently a little
more marketable, since it is pretty established.  Then again, Java is a good
buzzword, if you can learn it fast enough to take advantage of it.  Also,
some companies are banking on Java a good bit.  Sybase ASA 7 has Java built
into the database engine, meaning you can write server side Java into your
database functions .. very usefull for accomplishing DB functionality beyond
what a typical database server can do on it's own.  I don't know if MS SQL
Server has this functionality .. sorry, we are, strictly, a Sybase shop.

Java functionality in the database seems pretty cool to me, though I'm only,
barely, scratching the surface of it.  Our DBA thinks it's a pretty slick
first step, though, and it promises to take even more of a load off of the
CF server(s).  He's already close to finnishing a completely seperate DB
procedure that will verify and/or replace the contents of city and state
fields in the database, based on a batched call to the USPS in the wee hours
of the morning  This will keep the CF server from having to do it in real
time through some CF_ or CFX tag, when a form is submitted.  That should,
definately, speed up performance under an even moderate load.

Personaly, I am currently learning ASP and JSP at the same time and getting
a slight taste of Java, just to know what the DBA can do for me that would
be better than having CF do it.

If you know CF well, then you can probably pick up ASP and JSP easily enough
while delving into Java, so you might want to consider all 3 at the same
time.  That's just my opinion though .. I might be wrong.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phillip Broussard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: August 6, 2001 9:09 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: What should I learn?
> I am looking for a new job because I was part of a layoff. Since I would
> like to get another job I was wondering what other languages I should
> learn? I used to know php3 and I know ColdFusion of course. I see things
> like java, c++, perl, asp, the want adds. I just don't know
> what the best would be to focus on. ASP seems to be used a lot but would
> that be better to learn over java? I have no idea and my head hurts.
> Phillip

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