Yes. Let's take back the politcal process :)

On military service, I can see it is useful for the military-age population to be pre-trained. Not sure if it is worth the sort of consequences I saw in France.


>To me mandatory service is, in general is a good thing.
>One of its by-products is an awareness of your government, and you will be more
>interested in participating in it, via your vote.
>The down side is the US track record of using its troops for purely political
>means.  If 100% of the people had a mandatory obligation, I think they would
>have much more incentive to being active in choosing of their government.
>How many are willing to invite 4 or 5 friends and attend your local political
>caucus, or precinct convention, thereby taking control of the delegates.  The
>other side does it, why not you?
>The only way a majority will rule is if a majority participates in the process.
><Yes but you are under the UCMJ which does have that provision. The rest of
><us are not so we are free to moan and complain all we want.
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