Are you getting your arguments from those e-mails that get circulated
about how much we've done in Iraq because that sounds just like a
bullet point in one of them.  If that's the case, this site may be of
interest to you.

    * 100% of the hospitals are open and fully staffed, compared to
35% before the war.

Not true. The Fact Sheet provides no information about this. But, the
Washington Post on March 5, 2004 reported[*]:

"Health Minister Khudair Fadhil Abbas said about 90 percent of the
hospitals and clinics have been brought back to the same poor
conditions as before the war but that the others will take more time
to reach even that low level."

Here are the first few paragraphs from the article:

"The stout woman, covered from head to toe in a black abaya, shuffled
into the crowded hospital. She went straight to the emergency room and
opened her robe to reveal a tiny baby wrapped in fuzzy blankets. The
boy had been born prematurely, and the family was afraid he was going
to die.

Uday Abdul Ridha took a quick look and shook his head. The physician
put his hands on the woman's shoulders in sympathy, but his words were
blunt. "I'm sorry," he said. "We cannot help you. We don't have an
incubator, and even if we did, we are short on oxygen. Please try
another hospital."

Scenes like this one at the Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Baghdad's
Iskan neighborhood have become common in Iraq in recent months, as the
health care system has been hit by a critical shortage of basic
medications and equipment. Babies die of simple infections because
they can't get the proper antibiotics. Surgeries are delayed because
there is no oxygen. And patients in critical condition are turned away
because there isn't enough equipment."
On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 21:15:56 -0700 (PDT), Sam Morris
> If they are fighting a force that just ended 25 years
> of tyranny. An international force that built more
> schools and hospitals then they've had in 25 years.
> I'd have serious questions about their motives and
> probably go with terrorist.
> -sm
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