You're joking right?

"the one Haliburton thing" is a bit of an understatement.

Halliburton won several no-bid contracts to do things for the Armed
Forces and for the government in general in the Iraq conflict

They feed and support the troops in the combat zones.
They provide (transport) fuel to units. - A recent scandal involved
overbilling for these deliveries, to the tune of some $10 million
They're responsible for restarting the oil well/refineries.
They have continued to win no-bid contracts, even in the face of public
and Congressional outcry.

Their former CEO is ... Dick Cheney our belov'd Veep

how is it possible you have not heard about Halliburton?

Get thee hence to a cineplex and see Farenheit 9/11 <--- that's a movie,
just in case you hadn't heard about that either ;-)

Monique Boea wrote:

> What exactly was this?
> the one Haliburton no-bid thing



"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
and that would just be unacceptable."
-- Carrie Fisher
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