>And yes, I have heard it the whole thing with Cheney's company, but what if
>I hadn't???

Yes, I forgot to write that Cheney was the former CEO of
Halliburton.  Actually the web of boardroom relationships of this
particular administration is large and so entangled that I doubt that many
know the full extent of it.  I don't, but I just quickly rattled off at
least 6 institutions or prominent people that they are all linked by.  Of
course this is no grounds to assume the worst and does not make them
guilty.  In fact, I doubt these relationships are enough concern to
initiate an investigation.  It's how these relationships may (or maynot to
be fair) have been used against the best interest of the country that is
cause for concern.

Regardless of your personal feeling about Cheney, make no mistake, he is a
very intelligent and shrewd man.  His standing in the business and
political community clearly illustrate his ambitious nature.  He is quite
possible the worlds most dangerous "old man."  However, I think everyone
knows that.  What is at question is his integrity.
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