>Could be they were right! Can't be positive yet but I
think we should stay open minded.

Interestingly this was discussed in the link Mike posted earlier.

"A close reading of the article suggests the original human source was
Italian, whose tip was confirmed by British and French electronic
intercepts. C.I.A. analysts, who often disdain data not gathered by
us, ignored the real thing until they were suckered by the forged
documents... As Mark Twain advised, the problem is not just what we
don't know, but what we do know that ain't so."

The author is Willian Safire, whom I am sure you will agree is a
respected conservative. I find it a bit suspicious, myself, that this
"information" is surfacing at a time when Bush is down in the polls.
But please note that even those who think it may be true say that
these reports were completely ignored at the time, meaning that they
were not the reason we invaded Iran.

> Al-Quada is so week according to the 9/11 panel that they can no longer
plan a major strike against America. Osama is hiding
in a cave someplace with no influence over Al-Quada.

References please; this does not sound like the 9/11 report I have
been hearing about.

>Israel has not been attacked in quit a while and they
thank the fact that Sadam is no longer paying 25k to
suicide murderers.

UM. I don't really follow Israel-Palestine but wasn't there just
something about a tunnel and a bunch of soldiers killed? And MikeD has
been talking about suicide bombers... I don't think he would agree
with you.

>We are. And the good see that.

I wish you were right but I don't think you are.

>Then how do he loose out to someone like Kerry AKA -
the candidate that's not Bush?

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he did not run against Kerry...

>I feel the US just saved the world, see how we look at
things differently.

that's different all right

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