Bush is an ass. He proves it time and time again.

how about this quote:
"the haves and the have-mores...some would call you the elite. I call
you my base."

That being said, I don't hate the guy. In fact when the war in Iraq was
started I was here on this list trying to be supportive of the president
and the troops.

> What if we found the WMD's?

I guess we'll never know, since they don't exist. Powell and Rice and
Cheney and Rumsfeld said so in 2001

> Would you still hate Bush for something else?

Nah. See, if there were WMDs, then Bush and Co. wouldn't have been lying
about the reasons for going to war, which I supported when they said
they had hard evidence, which they didn't, making them liars. Don't lie
to me. I'll put up with a lot, but don't lie to me.

> What if we proved Iraq was trying to by uranium from
> Nigeria?

Then, again, they wouldn't have been lying. Read the Op/Ed in the New
York Times that Mikie D posted today. makes a good case that maybe Iraq
actually did try. Too bad that the CIA, etc. didn't use _actual_
evidence, just fabricated.

> Would you still hate Bush for something else?

nah, but don't lie to me dude.

> What if we proved the connection between Saddam and
> Osama Bin Laden?

Given the proven penchant for fabrication in this administration could
we trust _any_ proof, should we?

> Would you still hate Bush for something else?

Ya' know, come to think of it... nah.

> - starting to sound like 50 :)

years old?

> What would it take for you to not hate the President?

I don't hate the president.

> Give Al Gore the Presidency? Everyone seems glad he's
> not in office.

Who's to say, we won't ever know what type of President Gore would have
been. We won't ever know if 9/11 would have happened had Gore been

> Is there anything that can happen in the world that
> would change your mind on Bush?

He could completely change his position on (but not limited to)
Reproductive rights
Stem-cell research
Packing scientific review boards with psuedo-scientists
deficit spending
gun control (yeah, and i'm even a gun owner!)

> I doubt it.

You're right, I doubt he'll change...

> It's kind of pointless to discuss anything when you
> have such a blinding hatred for the man.

good, then we can have a discussion about the man, since I don't...

> "It's just amazing. If you put a timeline together of
> the turnover of sovereignty to Iraq, what you have to
> conclude is that the left in this country is opposed
> to victory, and they are going to take any occasion,
> any event, and be critical and use it as an example of
> American failure -- and you know what? It's starting
> to wear real thin, you leftists." -Rush

blah, blah, blah...heh, this was a good e-mail until the quote...
ah, well...



"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
and that would just be unacceptable."
-- Carrie Fisher
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