--- Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are many reasons to be against Bush - Iraq is
> simply the hot button
> issue.
> His insane tax cut, his lack of any environmental
> policy, his utter contempt
> for scientific freedom, etc.  Should he reverse his
> position in those areas
> then I would be a supporter.
That insane tax cut jump started a failing economy.
You're not better of now than you were 2-3 years ago?
It worked, you just have to look around and see.

> But the question itself is asinine - you're
> intimating that "liberals" are
> closed minded and this not worth speaking with (I
> myself am a moderate, not
> a liberal but I'll speak for them for a moment).
> The question, reversed,
> yields the same answer however: after every that's
> happened, all of the
> lies, deceit, misconduct and shady deals what would
> the president have to do
> to lose your support?

All inuendo, show me hard facts and I'll look it over.
If you point to Moore than he'll have to answer

> It's kind of pointless to discuss anything when you
> (in the group sense)
> have such blinding acclaim for the man.  Intolerance
> requires extremists on
> both sides of the issue, pure and simple.
We're not like that at all. He has his faults. But we
believe he is a good honest man. If you show me facts
about your claims and back them up I will switch

It seems like people on this list hate him so much and
are using Iraq as an excuse. I feel the war in Iraq
was a good thing and you all need to at least
recognize that maybe there were good intentions.

You don't need to like Bush. I'm not asking anyone to
vote for him, you can still hate him or dislike him
whatever, but give Iraq a chance.

I'm trying to plant the thought that maybe those are
just rumors, just like the rumors that Syria has the
WMDs and the proof about Niger is there. Many people
on this thread are so positive that what Michael Moore
says is true, but there unproven rumors.


> Jim Davis
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