I hear you.  Back when AM General first offered Humvees to the public
(maybe 10+ years ago?) my mom refused to buy one if it didn't come with
any antipersonnel equipment.  Who can blame her?

- Jim

Doug White wrote:

>Do you mean that I cannot have the 50 mounted in the bed of my pickup truck?
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Kevin Graeme
>  It's important to know though that a fully automatic M-16 would still
>  be illegal even if there is no assault weapons ban.
>  Assault weapon != machine gun.
>  -Kevin
>  On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 10:37:18 -0400, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I find that a good M-16 is much more effective when hunting deer. With
>  > only a rifle the deer can run for 100 yards or so after its been shot,
>  > whereas the assault weapon puts it on the ground immediately. Saves me
>  > some walking. Not to mention if you like puree'd fowl, it's pretty
>  > effective.
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