good point about the possibility of the neighbors having a wildly
different version. If the police are reluctant to to take a report at
this late date another way to get this on the record is to ask an
officer to accompany you to the neighbor's house so you can discuss
the matter, given that he was getting irate when you tried by


----- Original Message -----
From: Jeffry Houser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 08:24:42 -0400
Subject: Re: Dog question
To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am not a lawyer, but...
  Do you have any proof that your dog was on a leash?  Do you have any
proof that there's wasn't?  Were there any witnesses?

  I'm asking because I watch Judge Judy every day (No I don't).  But,
without witnesses, your story may be hard to prove, especially if you end
up in court and they show up saying that they were walking their "leashed"
dog past your house and your "unleashed" dog came out of nowhere and
attacked him.

  From the description, it sounds like your dog was the obvious winner, so
when they show up with pictures of their half-dead dog....

  If it isn't too late, you may want to file a police report about the
attack on your dog and / or talk to a lawyer.  All just precautionary
measures, mind you.  Filing the police report may not help win friends in
the neighborhood, specially if you can get them to question the neighbor w/
an unleashed dog.

Jeffry Houser, Web Developer, Writer, Songwriter, Recording Engineer
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