>I don't know what kind of world you live in but I live
>in a post 9/11 world. The enemy is relentless. We
>can't wait for another attack. We need to be prepared.
>If we find another terrorist group based in another
>country and ready to attack us should we wait for them
>to attack or prevent it?
>North Korea is a big threat and Bush is trying
>diplomacy. Hopefully it will work. Like I said it
>worked in Libya.

I don't know where you live, but I would say 9/11 has impacted me as much
if not more then you.  I was in NYC when the first plane hit.  I was stuck
in the city, unable to go back home for 3 days.  I walked pass the millions
of posters hanging in Grand Central Station and pictured the creators
crying.  I read each  poster and wondered why it all happened.  I was at
the twin towers, at a job interview none the less, the day before it
happened.  This is not a statement to say that I experienced 9/11 more then
you.  No I would never make such an asinine remark.  I make the statement
to say I am acutely aware of 9/11.

Either way, what does 9/11 have to do with my statements?  If you read my
email, I clearly pointed out that my disapproval of Bush is not that he
went to war.  My disapproval is they way he has treated American
citizens.  I also did not denounce war as a whole.

>So no, I don't advocate going around and starting
>wars. I know the terror is real and if we find out
>Syria is selling the WMD's to groups that are
>smuggling them into the US, then we might have to go
>to war.

The first thing they teach you, or should teach you, in martial arts class
is that power/strength without control is in fact a determent instead of an
advantage.  You are exceedingly coming off as a war-monger.  I am not
saying we shouldn't go to war.  My statement is simple; war should be a
last resort.  You seem so eager to sacrifice your life and in a sense that
is rather noble of you; you shouldn't be so generous with the lives of
others.  Especially when other avenues have not been completely exhausted.
Although you may not have written it, it is not unreasonable to deduce that
war is the first option for you.
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