Interesting NOT that the RNC spends so much money attacking their opponent
instead of bolstering support for their own programs.

Military records clearly show the award of the Purple hearts, and not one of
them are fake.  Now what may be in question is what he originally did with them,
or reported to have done with them.  His service is still not in question at
all, there are clear permanent records to prove that.

I am sure as the campaign continues, more accusations and cross exaggerations
will continue, the goal is to keep the American Voter afraid to vote for a
change.  It will remain up to the individual not to accept any of the stuff at
face value, and make their judgments based on personal investigation.

Some voters are going to vote against Bush, some are going to vote for Kerry,
either way they will be voting for change.  There are others that will vote the
other side as well.   It is no revelation in the knowledge that this country is
split right down the middle, and it is no surprise that the current
administration seeks to keep it that way.

The religious right, AKA Falwell camp continues to spread hate and encouraging
voters to vote on the single issue, and that being their interpretation of
"morals"  and there is not even a facade of wanting a government who will abide
by the constitutional provisions to treat every citizen equally under the law.

Relatively few voters even comprehend all the issues, so they pick and choose
the ones they feel comfortable with and vote for the person who advocates a
similar stand that they do.  These are on both sides of the aisle, and are
termed "Single issue voters"  Most of the RR radicals have no problems in
imposing their views on everyone, but cry loudly and long if the majority votes
the other way.

In my little local church, we admonished the Pastor to refrain from making any
political comments from the pulpit, and gave him the freedom to espouse his
views when not in the pulpit.  When he started to object, we advised him that it
would be a no-brainier to replace him with someone who would preach the gospel
and stay out of politics.  We did this because we felt that there was so much to
do with saving souls that he should not have the time nor the energy to get
involved in political discussions from the pulpit.  There are other churches, I
am sure that allow their pastors politic all they want, and ignore the very
reason the church was organized.  Those churches are all about control anyway,
and not about gospel. IMHO.
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