----- Original Message -----
  From: Robert Munn

   Barack Obama's. It's depressing to see what a dud the Democratic candidate is
compared to a guy who isn't even a Senator yet. I would vote for a Democrat, no
problem, maybe Obama one day if he puts together a decent record in the Senate,
but not Kerry.

  No question Obama is an awesome orator!

  It's not that I think Bush has done a great job all around. He should ditch
Cheney and Rumsfeld, put a moderate like Powell on the ticket with him, stop the
insanity with the budget, and back off the right wing social agenda.

  Exactly what the people ae taking issue with.

  , I see the economy getting better,

  Unemployment is still high, new jobs are still low, The stock market closed
today below 10,000.  in a six week slide. - I just don't see the improvement you

  Iraq settling down,

  Not So you can tell, even the Imans have come back and taken on the military,

  the federal government working on securing the homeland,

  MMMMM, I guess that is a generic enough platform.

  and I think things are going well enough that the president deserves another
four years rather than bringing in a whole new administration.

  This is where we separate for good - I believe the criminals should be voted
out of office.
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