At 10:07 8/18/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Wow, if thats true, that is a HORRIBLE position for companies that provide
>always-on connections to take.
>Isn't that a bit like a car company ignoring seatbelts because they want
>their customers to believe their cars never crash??
>   Having worked for a cable company for the past 4 years, I have an
>   opinion on this specific sub-subject.  I get the impression that we do
>   not give firewall & anti virus information out with our High Speed
>   Internet packages because that would be an indirect admission of an
>   inherit "danger" in having such a connection.  Suggesting that always on
>   connections are dangerous do not help sales, so from a marketing
>   perspective, ignorance is bliss (or so is my perception of the situation).

I agree that companies don't give out firewall and AV software because they
don't want to tell the consumers this is a problem that they are willing to
fix.  If Time Warner started to give out AV software who do you think the
average customer is going to call when their computers get infected with a
virus?  More over, I don't think it's Time Warners responsibility too.  The
provide broad band service.  They do not provide a hardware/software
maintenance shop.

I think the seat belt analogy is a bit off here.  First of all, the
inclusion of seat belts is regulated by the government.  Secondly, car
crashes kill people.  Poor judgement on the internet isn't life
threatening.  More over, one can be a perfect driver and still die in a car
accident because someone else messed up.  I've heard that in the past that
car manufactures did not provide a seat belt because of the perception that
their cars were unsafe.  Maybe someone else will have some definitive proof
if that is correct or not.
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