Irvin Gomez wrote:

>>From a previous post of his:
>>>>Lets be honest here. Most internet users ARE stupid. There was a news report about a cop (yes, a police officer) who tried to pick up an underaged kid over the net (including flashing himself) AT WORK! If this isn't stupid, I don't know what is. >>>
>They are NOT stupid. It's a math thing, really. If the average height is 5'11, Shaquille O'Neal has no right to consider everyone a pigmy! We are in the business of performing internet-related technical tasks, as programmers, designers, developers, whatever. So, we have a much deeper understanding of all internet-related things. That's not the case of your average user, who just want to use a computer to perform some simple task. It's our duty to make this possible.
>This difference in technical knowledge pays our rent. Let's not forget that. Users are NOT stupid. They are normal. Some of us (like Michael D) just know too much...

Perhaps they're not stupid...but they -are- ignorant.  The term
ignorance is not in and of itself an insult, so that's all well and
good.  But when somebody chooses to remain ignorant about a technology
that they bring into their home and use on at least a semi-regular
basis....that's stupid.

Remember, this particular thread isn't about idiot-proofing our
applications (which -is- our duty)...but those who continue to surf the
web on high speed connections where they hear about trojans and viruses
and whatnot, and refuse to educate themselves as to how to "surf safe".
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