Again, not true. Phoning ahead 3 times to get civilians out of a military target is well within the bounds of a military strike. Blowing up innocent vacationers without any warning or connection to the military is not. There is no comparison and the attempt to draw one is both sickening and disturbing.

>The point is that the Jews used terrorism to get what wanted
>politically - phoning ahead doesn't exactly lessen the death of a
>hundred people; the Jews certainly didn't hold off because the hotel
>wasn't evacuated, did they?

No, this is not the case. The arabs have been massacring Jews and others for generations and what we know as terrorism is a direct offshoot of their activities. Did the Jews teach them to hijack planes? No. Did the Jews teach them to bomb pizza shops? no. Did the Jews teach them to strap bombs to children? No.
A direct quote from arab sources is: "They love life and we love death so we will win"
Does that sound like something Jews (who love life) taught them?

And yes, the reason is religious. Take away the oil and the killing will be there. It was there before the oil and it will be there after the oil.

>The Jews set a precedent in the region that you can use terrorism to
>accomplish your political goals.  Since the Americans support a
>country that supported terrorism, the Arabs rightly see American
>policy as hypocritical.  After all, why should we support Israel
>rather than Palestine?
>The mistake some Arabs make, however, is believing that the reason is
>religious.  The reason is oil.
>And let's not forget how America came to be - we started our path to
>Independence with terrorism against the British as well.
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