Well, I guess that we'll have to agree to disagree - sort of.  I see where
you're coming from when you say that you and I are not able to prove these
Laws ourselves.  But what I am trying to get across is that the scientific
community holds themselves to a standard that when a Law is proven as such,
it is based upon previously known facts, therefore not needing to be proven
by me to know that is law.  I went to school for Math, and this is how
mathematical Laws are conceived.  I remember proofs being such a pain for
this reason.  You know what the outcome will be, but making that assertion
cannot make it fact.  It must be proven in such a way that makes the Law
indisputable, namely basing your proof using previously known facts.

Time for lunch in this part of the woods!  See you guys in an hour or so...


At 01:30 PM 9/29/2004, you wrote:
>At 13:15 9/29/2004 -0400, you wrote:
> >Because it has been proven using basic/advanced mathematics and physics
> >facts, which were proved from the fundamentals of mathematics and
> >fundamentals of physics.  Math (of which physics are derived) started off
> >by proving the most fundamental things, such as 1+1=2, etc.  All subsequent
> >laws were proved using these fundamentals, so that is how I know.  This is
> >how Laws are proven.
> >
> >I dunno how to make myself really any more clear on this.  All scientific
> >laws are not proven by hunches or guesses.  They are proven using
> >previously proven facts, and those facts are proven using previously proven
> >facts...recurse recurse recurse.
> >
> >Pls realize that I am not being argumentative on this subject.  I actually
> >find it quite fascinating, and enjoy the intelligent conversation this
> >thread has provided these past two days.  Don't want to meet at some
> >conference somewhere in the future and get a punch in the face!
>I'm not upset and I don't think you are being argumentive.  Someone did
>post that nothing I could write would change his mind and I was a bit
>frustrated at that.  Mostly because I'm willing to accept other people's
>ideas and because it's the same answers I get from church people when I try
>to engage them in discussion too.
>I never said they were proven on hunches or guesses.  But let's go back to
>GR.  It sounds like you would belive in GR.  But how do you know it's
>true?  I would be willing to bet that you never actually solved the
>equations yourself.  You believe GR is true because some other people said
>it was.  And you believe this people for whatever reasons you choose to
>believe them.  But when you believe them , you have faith that these people
>know what they are talking about, that they are not deceiving you, and that
>they are correct.  You will never be able to verify that GR is true or
>not.  I am willing to wager that the Red Sox would win 2 world series
>before you verify GR.  Of course since I can't verify it myself I would
>have to get someone else to.
>I think I've made it clear that I never said the scientific process is
>faith based.  There is a prescribed way to seek knowledge and these
>scientist, and mathematicians, follow it.  I've constantly mentioned that
>the process did differ and that one is more critical and better suited to
>seeking answers.
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