I admit Bush looked bad when he couldn't find the
words and it happened a few times. But when he got the
words out he definitely took charge.

He really nailed Kerry on the North Korea issue. Kerry
claims he can get all the nations to help with Iraq
but then wants to bypass the multi-lateral talks with
N Korea and have a one on one? Kerry should have let
it go but wouldn't. It's obvious he has no clue about
how to handle that situation.

Also Bush got Kerry for claiming he can solve the
problems in Iraq while calling Allawi a puppet.


--- Kevin Graeme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well I watched it and IMO, Kerry totally owned!
> Kerry spent his time clearly and eloquently covering
> the issues with
> specific comments, while Bush stuttered his way
> through mostly
> simpering misguided character attacks and a
> touchy-feely belief that a
> free Iraq will magically bring peace.
> Even when the topic offered to the candidates was to
> comment on their
> opponent's character, Kerry took the high road and
> instead stuck to
> issues instead.
> Bush spoke most clearly when trying to defend his
> approach to dealing
> with Korea, but kept losing it when Kerry kept
> pointing out how his
> approach hasn't been working.
> Of course, I have no illusions that Bush supporters
> will have heard
> what they wanted to hear from Bush.
> -Kevin
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