> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sam Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Wow, that's way too bizarre!

Well, maybe I was a bit short there.  I don't think Mr. Bush caused
terrorism, but I think the way the invasion of Iraq was conducted is
exacerbating it.

Granted, with Al Queda, no diplomacy is possible and war is the only
option.  That's why I supported Afghanistan action.  Iraq had anything
to do with Al Queda, however.  You may argue that so-and-so stopped
there once for smokes, but, from a priority perspective, Iraq was
small potatoes compared to Tora Bora, or even the rest of Afghanistan
(or pakistan).  And there is Iran and North Koera.

As to Iraq I would ask why couldn't we have waited 6 months?  12
months?  What was the downside?  And how is that downside worse that
what were getting now?

Here's the core: when the world percieves the big boy on the block
taking military action when it may not have been fully justified, or
when there are questions as to the morality of it, it leaves room for
others to act immorally; to act on their worst instincts.

This is the key to leadership to me; you must be better than everyone
at a minimum.  It why Pastors and police are role models.  I believe
the US gave up its moral highground in Iraq and created a FUD cloud
from which terrorists and other tyrants can flourish.

They can call us crusaders, they can call us imperialists, they can
say we only invaded for oil, they can call it a war of religions, they
can say the US wants to colonize the Middle East.  In short, we wrote
the recruiting manual for them.
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